
6 ways to MOVE ON...

Almost everyone of us has been heart broken, some of us has been dumped, cheated, fed-up, been left alone etc. but hey! it's okay soon you will be okay...

We know that moving on is not that easy :( and based on my experience... I'll give you some tips to cope up this kind of situations. I hope its kinda helpful to you... :)

1. Cry, After all you found out that you've been cheated etc. It's over don't be too martyr, cry and let your tears pour out, cry until there is no tears to flow and you will get used to it, I know its painful but you need to be strong so you can take off your burdens and hatred in you.

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2. Open up, let it out, find someone (family,close friends etc.) that you can trust and ready to listen, speak to them on what you're going thru.

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3. Meet new people, hang out with your friends, enjoy yourself, be grateful because you have your time to do whatever you want, remember you don't deserve to be hurt. you deserve better.

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4. Go travel, go to places where you can clear your mind and relax and think what you really want. Stop remembering the past, you ain't living on it anymore. You have so much to do.

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5. Love yourself, find yourself have some ''Me time'' read your favorite books, treat yourself, turn your favorite music on, learn new things everyday and be yourself.

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6. Forgive, It's hard to forgive when you are not ready especially when the memory was so vivid but there is always a time in everyone of us to heal our heart broken and forgive the one that have hurt us, when that time comes, you will feel relieved and free.

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There is always a reason why hurt is felt...
Congratulations! You survived!

NO to hate, YES to love
Thank you for dropping by! :*

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